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            Tim Juel-Jacobsen


     latest updated 
              January 22nd. 2025


Det er som at male et  abstrakt 3-dimensionelt maleri og begynder ved  fundet af et stykke bortkastet, rustent jern  som med sin smukke farve insisterer på at  blive samlet op.  

Nogle metaldele fortæller tydeligere end andre en historie om en tidligere funktion , som en del af en maskine eller et landbrugsredskab.

Nu får det ny betydning, sammensvejset med andre metalstykker til en skulptur.

Mine skulpturer er som oftest abstrakte og inviterer beskueren ind i et samvær hvor såvel skulpturens udtryk som beskuerens holdninger er i spil.

Skulpturerne kan
genskabes i større format.


the essence

It's like painting an abstract 3-dimensional picture and starts by the finding of a piece of wasted iron, appealing with its peculiar shape and beautiful color to be picked up.

Some metal parts tell more clearly than others a history about former function as for instance

part of  a machine or an agricultural tool.

Now they are taking on new meaning, being welded together with other pieces of metal into

a  sculpture.

My sculptures  are mostly abstract, inviting

the viewer into a get-together, where both

the expression of the sculpture and the viewer's

attitude are playing together.

I  go for the simple composition which

provides more possibilities of interpretation and opens up for free association.


The sculptures may, by appointment

be delivered on a larger scale


the artist

Iwas born in 1938 in Frederiksberg/Copenhagen.
As an atist I'm selftaught working with
 scrap metal for about 40 years.
I emphasize the configuration rather than the craftmanship.
The exper
ience  has to be found in the form.



kontakt  contact

+45 20 64 49 30

Smedjen · Maglebjergvej 6 · 3200 Helsinge

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